The SpeechComm Method

At SpeechComm, we value partnerships -- partnerships created within an organization through strong communication -- as well as the partnerships we forge with our clients. We believe that the partnerships we enter with our clients are based on three key values: Connections, Substance, and Implementation.


Our trainers are passionate and enthusiastic about the skills they teach. They strive to make personal connections with your employees so that the workshop participants feel comfortable asking questions about the training material and the various techniques and approaches covered. We strive to ensure that participants leave the training with a clear understanding of the material being taught so that they can apply those acquired skills in workplace and outreach scenarios.


Our training material is up-to-date, high quality, tested and proven. We make certain that the information taught in the session is instructional and adds value to a company’s communications objectives. We design workshops to teach practical solutions to the challenges and opportunities presented by real life workplace and client/customer scenarios.


Our sessions consist of training exercises in which participants practice the skills demonstrated during the session. We expect and encourage participants to implement immediately the techniques learned during their training in their every day interactions with co-workers, clients and customers. Our training covers the full range of communications methodologies practiced in the modern workplace and marketplace.